IIIT Hyderabad, Feb 23 2021

Technology has created an interdependency with society, where each factor greatly affects the other, starting with human societies and resulting in the development of different technologies to meet the needs of the society.

The conference is a confluence of all stakeholders in the technology for social space. Bringing together Social scientists, NGOs, technologists, research groups, innovators, policy makers, impact funders and CSR organizations. To deliberate on how emerging technologies can impact and enable rural education and healthcare. Through inspiring talks from social tech leaders, and deliberations by changemakers on avenues for change. Celebrating some successes, and showcasing interesting Innovations from various social and tech organizations, including startups.

The first edition of the conference will be held along with the formal inauguration of the Prof Raj Reddy Center. We would love to have you join us the event on 23rd February at IIIT Hyderabad. Looking forward to your confirmation

February 23rd, 2022, 2:00pm | KRB auditorium, IIIT Hyderabad


A convergence of experiences, insights and knowledge, through a day long talks, deliberations and conversations.

Opening keynotesTalk by a very senior social leader

Plenary panel on AI & SocietyDiscussion on how AI is helping the grassroot social sector. Panel of TechnologyLeader, Tech aware NGO leader and a Research leader.

Plenary panel on Challenges at the Bottom of the PyramidLeaders from the social sector and technology enablers deliberating on how healthcarecan be made available at the doorsteps.

Lightning pitches by startupsShowcasing interesting innovations impacting the social sector

A closed door Roundtable on ‘CSR Funding for Social Change’ jointly with Hysea CSR ForumMeeting to connect various impact funding agencies, policy thinktanks, large NGOs andsocial research organizations on emerging models to fund larger impact

Formal Inauguration of the CenterInaugural address by Prof Raj ReddyClosing Plenary: Fireside chat with very senior leaders from industry and philanthropiccircles

Through the annual conference, we would like to promote greater understanding and utilization of latest emerging technologies like, AI, ML and related topics. This will help in fostering widespread adoption and innovation globally, with emphasis on the bottom of the pyramid.


2:00 Introducing the center
2:15 Plenary Panel on AI & Society
3:15 Showcase Innovation impacting the Education sector
3:30 Plenary panel on Challenges at the BoP
4:30 Showcase Innovation impacting the Healthcare sector
5:00 Formal Inauguration of the center
5:05 Chief guest addresses
5:30 Finale panel


G V Prasad

Co- Chairman at Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd

Dr. K. Srinath Reddy

President, PHFI

Prof. Raj Reddy

Chairman, IIIT-H

Prof. P J Narayanan

Director, IIIT-H

Manisha Saboo

Infosys & Head of Hysea CSR Forum

Meera Shenoy

Founder, Youth4Jobs

Shaheen Mistri

Founder and CEO, Teach For India

Ajay Shawney

Secretary Meity, Govt of India

Jayesh Ranjan

Principal IT Secretary, Telangana

Ramji Raghavan

Founder and CEO, Agastya International Foundation

Manoj Gopalakrishna CEO

Care India Organisation

Amir Ullah Khan

Research Director, CDPP

Dr. C S Murthy

Group Director, ISRO

Viiveck Verma

Former Advisor-Social Innovation, Telangana

Vivek Raghavan

Chief AI Evangelist, EkStep

Dr. Ganesh Natarajan

Founder and Chairman, 5F World

Ajit Rangnekar

Director General, RICH

Srini Raju

GC Member, IIITH


We sincerely acknowledge all support and collaboration from our partners, for this conference and also for all our activities.

We express our gratitude to Hysea CSR Forum for extending their support and collaboration towards this annual conference.


To join the conference, please signup (here)

Inviting NGOs, social scientists, researchers, technologists, impact funders, policy thinktanks and anyone interested in technology for social impact. Feb 23 2022, IIIT Hyderabad.

Other knowledge events by the centre

Along with working with NGOs, RCTS also organises roundtable conferences to understand the top-down approach of the challenge areas. The roundtable meetings held by the Raj Reddy Center have brought out a few standard whitepapers. The papers compiles all the important broad themes which came up or were discussed during the meeting by every panellist from their own expert areas.

Recent roundtable proceedings

The State of Rural School Education Systems Post-Pandemic on 21st July, 2021

Last mile in Healthcare – Opportunities, Challenges and Technologies on 23rd Dec, 2021

New Education Policy (NEP) and the opportunity for Technology Interventions on 29th Oct, 2021